February 2021 Newsletter

 Going Virtual After School

C2 Pipeline continues to provide afterschool programming in 24 high school sites in the Metro-Detroit area. Our focus is to help students become ready for college and career aspirations, with a concentration on STEM. Each of our sites run at least 2.5 hours of programming, daily Monday - Thursday. Some of our sites are hosting in-person programs, while some are still virtual. Students will be able to enroll for the career pathways that interest them the most: Health and Human Services, Science, Business and Engineering Technology. All enrichments are hands-on and project based, making it not only educational, but fun as well. Check out our Centers to see if you or your student is eligible for this program. To become part of our C2 team, simply find your school's registration tile and complete the online registration. All applications can be found by following this link: www.waynestate.inforeadyscale.com/hub.

For any questions, contact your school's Site Coordinator or email c2pipeline@wayne.edu

Homework Help & Tutoring Drop-In Center

C2 Pipeline is now offering a Homework Help and Tutoring Drop-In Center for any students wanting additional help with core subject areas. Our qualified staff will be accessible to students Monday - Thursdays from 6PM - 8PM on Zoom. Meeting Registration - Zoom

Social Emotional Theme: Healthy Heart

For the month of February, the C2 Pipeline SEL Committee chose the theme "Healthy Heart" - to coincide with the Valentine's Day holiday. Students will engage in activities that explore what it means to be physically and emotionally healthy. We will delve into topics like empathy, forgiveness, self-acceptance and body positivity. To see a sample list of the activities coved this month, click the image to the right. Next month, our theme is "March Mental Wellness"!


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Afterschool at the Capitol

Afterschool at the Capitol is an annual advocacy day hosted by Michigan Afterschool Partnership (MASP). On February 10th, partners and advocates will meet with state lawmakers in support of Out-of-School Time (OST) programs. C2 Pipeline is proudly partnering with MASP in the effort to raise awareness about the importance of OST programs, like C2 Pipeline. We will be lifting up our youths' voices and advocating for local and state-level support.

To participate in the events scheduled for the week of February 8th-13th, check out MASP's Capitol Day page, click this link: Capitol Day 2021

To view some of our student testimonials, watch the videos below:

Summer 2021 Update

C2 Pipeline is currently in the process of planning our 2021 Summer Camps. This year, we will be offering over 40 different Day Camps and a 6-week STEM Challenge. The 6 weeks of Day Camps will run Monday - Thursday from June 21st - August 5th (no camps during the July 4th week). All 9th - 12th graders are eligible to attend one camp per week. The fee for each camp is $250.00.  Scholarships are available for students who attend C2 funded high schools or who are home schooled and would be attending one of our funded schools or attend a parochial school in our catchment area. The list of funded high schools can be found at https://c2pipeline.wayne.edu/centers

We look forward to seeing you all this summer. If you are interested in learning more about our camp offerings, please complete the interest form by clicking the following link: Summer 2021 Interest Form

Student of the Month: Gabriel Stamper (Waterford Durant)

Gabriel Stamper is a current 9th grader at Waterford Durant High School in Waterford, MI. Gabriel is the current President of Durant's Youth Action Council and participates in the Grantee Youth Action Council. Gabe has shown a great deal of commitment to C2 Pipeline, he is a regularly attending student who is engaged in the afterschool portion of the program, as well as our special events. Gabe is always willing to give advice and be an advocate for our program - displaying maturity beyond his years. We are so happy to have Gabe as a C2 Pipeline student. Keep up the great work!! 

Serina Loftis

Staff Member of the Month: Serina Loftis (Warren Woods Tower High School)

Serina Loftis is the current Site Coordinator at Warren Woods Tower High School. Serina has been with the C2 Pipeline program for the past 3 years and has made a signature mark on the program with her creativity and dedication to providing the highest quality program to her students. Serina is always willing to help her colleagues when they are in need and has recently joined the Professional Development Committee with C2, where she coordinates trainings and resources for our full-time and part-time staff. Thank you, Serina, for all that you do for the program! We are so happy to have you on our team!! 

Upcoming Events

February 1-5: National School Counselor Week

February 10: Afterschool at the Capitol Day

February 26: Wayne State University Virtual Tour



C2 Pipeline is a Wayne State University, College of Nursing S.T.E.M. Accredited Program

Funded by a 21st CCLC Grant through the Michigan Department of Education