Quality Training

Required Training (All Staff)

Training Title Description Training Module Link
M.O.S.T. Quality of Standards The  Michigan Out-of-School Time Standards of Quality (MOST) are based on research, may be used as a framework for the design and implementation of high-quality, comprehensive programs that meet the specific and different needs of children during non-school hours. MOST Standards
Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) is composed of agencies, bureaus and commissions that promote business growth and job creation through streamlined, simple, fair, and efficient regulation, and at the same time protect the health and safety of Michigan's citizens. LARA Licensing Rules for Child Care Centers
CYPQ & YPQA The Youth Program Quality Assessment (PQA)® is a validated instrument designed to measure the quality of youth programs and identify staff training needs. It has been used in community organizations, schools, camps, and other places where youth have fun, work, and learn with adults. 

CYPQ & YPQA Training

CYPQ Webinars

Title IX Title IX of the U.S. Education Amendments of 1972 ("Title IX") is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities. Wayne State University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the education programs or activities that it operates including admissions and employment. This training will highlight procedures and resources on campus. Get Inclusive: Title IX Training
Youth Protection Training (BSA  YPT) The Youth Protection Training discusses the Boy Scouts of America policies, procedures and tips on how to prevent, recognize and handle cases of child abuse. Required for all staff. Must retake every two years. BSA Youth Protection Training
Youth Work Methods The Youth Work Methods were developed by the Weikert Center/ The Forum for Youth Investment. They are powerful strategies for working with young people, bringing together over fifty years of experience and the latest research in positive youth development. These trainings are held in person or live-webinars. Youth Work Methods Training is on the miregistry website. Log into your account and search "Weikert Center" in the Course Catalog.
Active Engagement On 12/11/2020, Site Coordinators Serina Loftis and Samantha Wolfe hosted a training about Active Engagment and shared resources on how to keep students engaged and interacting during virtual sessions. You can watch a recording of the training by clicking the link to the right. Active Engagment Meeting Recording
Bloodborne Pathogen

In this training on Michigan Virtual, you will:

  • Identify bloodborne pathogens, their symptoms, methods of transmission, and treatments,
  • Understand how bloodborne pathogens relate to you and your job as an educator, and
  • Learn how to protect yourself and others while handling and disposing of blood and other potentially infectious materials in a school environment"

Make sure to print or save your certificate.

Bloodborne Pathogen Trianing
Performace Evaluation Training Wayne State University now utilizes Cornerstone for annual Performance Evaluations. Please refer to the training videos for more information on this system.

Cornerstone Introduction Training


Additional Professional Development Resources: