October 2020 Newsletter
C2 Pipeline E-Newsletter: October 2020
Going Virtual After School
C2 Pipeline continues to provide afterschool programming in 24 high school sites in the Metro-Detroit area. Our focus is to help students become ready for college and career aspriations, with a concentration on STEM. Each of our sites run at least 2.5 hours of programming Monday - Thursday. Some of our sites are hosting in-person programs, while some are still virtual. Students will be able to enroll for the career pathways that interest them the most: Health and Human Services, Science, Business and Engineering Technology. All enrichments are hands-on and project based, making it not only educational, but fun as well. Check out our Centers to see if you or your student is eligible for this program. To become part of our C2 team, simply find your school's registration tile and complete the online registration. All applications can be found by folling this link: www.waynestate.inforeadyscale.com/hub.
For any questions, contact your school's Site Coordinator or email c2pipeline@wayne.edu
C2 Scholars
Wayne State University C2 Pipeline is implementing a new program titled "C2 Scholars". This program is intended to assist students in their matriculation from high school to college by providing extra supports, amazing opportunities and unique experiences that aid in personal and professional growth. The C2 Scholars will be selected based on academics, character and commitment to the C2 Pipeline program mission and goals. This elite group will endeavor into a one-of-a-kind chance to make connections, build a professional portfolio and garner hands-on-experience in today's top career fields. To apply to be a C2 Scholar, complete the online application. The application can be found at: www.waynestate.inforeadyscale.com/hub. Deadline to apply is October 5, 2020.
C2 Warriors on Campus
This year, C2 Pipeline has the honor of welcoming several of our former students to the Wayne State University Warrior family! 6 C2 Pipeline students who earned a scholarship to WSU during our previous Warriors College Experience residential camp have started their freshman year on campus. One of our C2 Ambassadors is Davion Gilber (formerly a student at Michigan Collegiate). The pandemic has greatly affected all of the education world and college freshman are learning to juggle navigating campus, new professors, a harder work load and buling their interpersonal skills in light of COVID-19. While WSU has done a remarkable job handling this unprecedented situation, Davion states " while I am grateful that I can stay on campus and there are a lot of safety precautions, it is sad that I won't be able to experience college like so many people before me." As a new college student, there are many changes and adjustments to be made, but he states that his first semester as a Warrior "has been amazing" and that he has "met a bunch of new friends and campus is amazing too." We wish Davion and all of our past C2 Pipeline students a healthy, happy and successful transition!!
Lights On Afterschool
Lights on Afterschool is an important day on our C2 Pipeline calendars, we band together with other after school organizations to celebrate and advocate for all out-of-school time programs in our nation. More than 8,000 communities and 1 million Americans in celebrating afterschool programs for this year's Lights On Afterschool on October 22nd! This nationwide event, organized by the Afterschool Alliance, calls attention to the importance of afterschool programs and the resources required to keep the lights on and the doors open. C2 Pipeline is proud to be a Lights On Afterschool partner.
To learn more about Lights On Afterschool, register an event, access event planning tools, or to find out what's going on in your area, visit afterschoolalliance.org. We also encourage all of our students, families, partners and community members to reach out to your legistlature to support of 21st Century Community Learning Centers.
You can find your local representative contact information by following the links below:
o www.legislature.mi.gov
o www.senate.michigan.gov/fysbyaddress.html
o www.house.mi.gov/MHRPublic/frmFindARep.aspx
On September 24th, Youth Council students from C2 Pipeline at Eastpointe and South Lake High Schools participate in civic engagement through Student Roundtable discussion with Representative Kevin Hertel. Thank you Representative Hertel for speaking to our students and thank you to our YAC members for promoting afterschool programs!
College Application Month
Attention high school seniors!! October is College Application Month and C2 Pipeline is here to assist you as you start submitting your applications. While this proccess may feel a bit nerve-wracking and overwhelming, getting organized is key! Check out the tips listed below to get yourself prepared to submit those apps!
- Start asking for letters of recommendation early! When you ask, include a resume or list of awards and extracurricular involvement, this will assist the teacher, coach or boss writing your letter!
- Create a resume! Resumes are great tools to aid in the college application process and for scholarships. An easy way to build out your resume is to utilize Tallo. Simply go to www.tallo.com/c2 - use promo code: waynestate. After creating your account, input your education, employment, extracurricular activities and awards. Tallo will organize all of the information into a clean, professional resume!
- Check the college application deadlines. Each school has a slightly different deadline, so make sure to look up those dates and prioritize which schools you need to apply to first! There are several different types of admission deadlines: early decision, early action, regular decision, and rolling admissions. Generally speaking, the earlier you submit your applicaiton, the better your odds at acceptance and scholarship!
- If colleges have an application fee, ask if they offer fee waivers! Contact C2 Pipeline staff for Wayne State fee waiver information.
- The 2021-2022 FAFSA became available on October 1st. This requires your/your parents' tax and income information. Make sure to have all of the required information ready before you sit down to complete the FAFSA. For information on all of the information and documents you will need, check out the Federal Student Aid website.
- Talk to your School Counselor about how and when to request your transcript! Make sure you give advance notice, so that your counselor has enough time to get you the documentation.
- Put aside enough time to complete the application in its entirety and proofread all of your documents!
Student of the Month: Erica Hopkins - Ecorse Community High School
Erica Hopkins is a current Sophomore at Ecorse Community High School. Erica has single handedly recruited half of our C2 Pipeline population here at Ecorse High School while maintaining excellent grades and great Raider attitude! Congratulations, Erica on being our C2 Pipeline student of the month! Keep up the terrific job!
Staff of the Month: Deandra Morris - Eastpointe High School
Welcome Back Deandra! C2 Pipeline at Eastpointe High School is happy to have you join our team. Deandra Morris is an Eastpointe High School Alumni and former C2 Pipeline student. During the summer of 2016 Deandra attended the Wayne State University/C2 Pipeline Warrior College Experience Camp. At camp that summer Deandra became the recipient of a $2,500 scholarship. Following graduation, Deandra enrolled at Wayne State University and a year later was back working for WSU/C2 Pipeline Warrior Camp as a mentor. She continued being a mentor for Warrior Camp for 3 consecutive summers. Deandra has now returned home to the land of the Shamrocks as a C2 Pipeline Activity Facilitator. Deandra brings positive energy and excitement to the job. Again, welcome back Deandra!
Upcoming Events
October 9: C2 Scholars Ceremony
October 21: FSM Virtual College Fair
October 22: Lights On Afterschool
October 23: Fun Friday - Chalkboard Pumpkins
C2 Pipeline is a Wayne State University, College of Nursing S.T.E.M. Accredited Program
Funded by a 21st CCLC Grant through the Michigan Department of Education