March 2019 Newsletter

C2 Pipeline E-Newsletter: March 2019

Afterschool Learning

C2 Pipeline provides 2.5 hours of afterschool programming at our 19 high school centers Monday-Thursday during the school year. During the program, students participate in a variety of engaging STEM activities, get college/career planning advice, build their leadership and teamwork skills and have fun along the way. If you are a student at one of our high school sites and are interested in joining the C2 Pipeline program, fill out the Registration Form and turn it in to your school's Site Coordinator.

Not only does the C2 Pipeline program provide academic assitance, engaging STEM learning and life skill training... we also network with our community and partners to give students a one-of-a-kind experience at school. Recently, C2 Pipeline at Center Line High School was able to connect with Attaboy, an alternative rock band whose lyrics contain inspirational messages about being positive, resilient and authentic you! Attaboy traveled across country to perform for the students at Center Line High School. Below are some pictures form the event. For more information about Attaboy, check their website:







C2 Adventuresldjf

Students from Clintondale, Center Line and Lincoln High Schools ventured to the Detroit Institute of Arts on March 15th. While there, students were able to witness famous works of art from innovators such as Diego Rivera, Pablo Picasso, Vicent VanGough, Andy Warhol and many many more. Different painting and sculpture techniques were analyzed, as well as discussion about how materials can be used for various purposes and artistic effects. Students had a great time spending time at the heart of Midtown's Museum District. We would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to the DIA for accomodating our group!



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Fitzgerald High School students visited the C2 Pipeline Innovation and Curiosity Center to participate in a Forensic Blood Spatter activity. The C2 Pipeline Innovation and Curiosity Center is located on Wayne State University Campus. There, the Lab Coordinator host a multitude of STEM activities for various grade levels. The Blood Spatter enrichment includes stations that analyze angle, height, drip patterns, aterial spirts and variations in material absorption. For more information about the Innovation and Curiosity Center, please contact



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Students from C2 Pipeline at Harper Woods High School visited Wayne State University for the Spring Open House on March 23rd - where they got to learn about the admission process, explore degree programs, browse the resource fair, network with WSU  employees and take a tour of WSU campus. For more information on the admission process, check out the WSU Admissions website:




Beta Sigma Phi Donation

This month, C2 Pipeline was contacted by Beta Sigma Phi - a fellowship that was established at Wayne University in 1932. Beta Sigma Phi is dedicated to education, research and supporting organizations that strengthens and promotes growth in the Wayne State University community. The donations received from BSP will be allocated to the Youth Leadership Retreat. Their contributions and support is greatly appreciated by the entire C2 Pipeline organization. Thank you for your support!



On March 12th, our C2 Pipeline Site Coordinators facilitated fun STEM activities for Metro-Detroit middle schools students. These activities included exploding volcanos, cloud in a bottle, egg car crash, build the tallest tower challenge, and more! The event, hosted by WSU Marketing and Communications department was a HUGE success. We are so honored to be involved in such a massive and impactful outreach event. Below are some pictures from our C2 Pipeline activities. For more information on the event, please check out the STEM Day website:


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ljStudent of the Month: Isabella Chang (Center Line High School)

Isabella is a current sophomore at Center Line High School. She is a kind and giving student, who goes out of her way to help others in need. She is an avid participant in program, and always help facilitate and mentor when she is in the classroom. She attended the U of D Dental School field trip and won first place for the most outstanding false teeth mold, and also won a toothbrush! Way to go Isabella!


Staff of the Month: Jovon Alber (Southfield High School for the Arts & Technology)

Jovon is the Assistant Site Coordinator at Southfield High School for the Arts & Technology. She has been part of the C2 Pipeline team for several years and works tirelessly to make sure that our program runs smoothly. She is the data collection person at our site and does a great job of keeping up to date on all of her responsibilities. Our program wouldn't be the same without her! Thank you, Jovon for all you do!

Alumni of the Month: Deandra Morris

Deandra graduated from Eastpointe High School in 2017, where she was an active participant in the C2 Pipeline program. Since graduating high school, Deandra has been attending Wayne State University studying Psychology. She hopes to utilize this degree to obtain a job as a child psychologist and hopes to open a community center to help inner city children. She is heavily involved in the WSU community, acting as a member of several organizations including: Relay for Life and the Roosevelt. She also worked with C2 Pipeline as a Camp Counselor during our Warriors College Experience and will resume her role this summer. Congratulations on all of your achievements, Deandra! We cannot wait to see what the future has in store for you!

Summer Opportunities

C2 Pipeline host a myriad of programs during the summer months. Day Camps will begin the week of June 17th and will run for 4 weeks. New camps will be made available to students each week. This is an awesome chance for students to dabble in different STEM fields, allowing them to learn new skills, have fun and meet like-minded students. Please click here to be directed to our Day Camps page, where details and registration information can be found.

C2 Pipeline will also be hosting our 6th annual Warriors College Experience residential camp, where students will live on campus for 11 days and take classes taught by WSU faculty and staff. This is a tremendous opportunity for high school students to get a taste of what college life is like, learn about their desired career field and could earn a scholarship to attend WSU in the future. Click here to be directed to our residential camp page for more information.

Social Media

If you want up-to-date information regarding C2 Pipeline events and activiites, be sure to like/follow us on our social media platforms.

Click the links below to be directed to our sites:

Upcoming Events

April 9: SAT Initial Test Day

April 10: ACT Work Keys Initial Test Day

April 9 - 11: PSAT (8th, 9th and 10th grade)

April 19: Good Friday (schools closed/early release)

April 27 - 28: Youth Leadership Retreat

certC2 Pipeline is a Wayne State University, College of Nursing S.T.E.M. 21cclcAccredited Program

Funded by a 21st CCLC Grant through the Michigan Department of Education